Uptown Blood and Food Drive offers sponsors easy and inexpensive advertising
Friday, March 3 is the date of the Uptown Blood and Food Drive and potential sponsors of the event will find that getting involved is easy and very inexpensive.
The Butte Brewing Company Event Room will host the drive which will be held from 10am to 5pm and organizers are hoping for a big turnout. Each blood donor will receive a "swag bag" as a small token of appreciation as well as 10 tickets for door prizes. Donors will also receive a door prize ticket for every 5 nonperishable food items that are brought in. The food items will be donated to the Butte Pantry.
Sponsorship option #1 is to fill the swag bags. Stickers, coupons and small items are what they are looking for and at least 65 of them will be needed. Option number 2 is to provide the door prizes, which will require a larger item, a gift basket or a gift card. Of course, businesses and organizations can choose both options and organizers would like to have all items by Monday, February 27.
Can your business or organization help out? The Uptown Blood and Food Drive is being organized by the combined efforts of Vitalent and the fine people at Water and Environmental Technologies. If you would like to sign up, please let them know by contacting Shari at skelley@waterenvtech.com or Kali at ksmelich@waterenvtech.com. They would also be happy to answer any questions you may have.
As you can see from the Facebook post below, many businesses and organizations have already jumped at the chance to be a part of this, but there is always room for more. Get ahold of Shari or Kali today to add your business' name to the list.