The Dumas Brothel. Butte’s Most Haunted Building?
In a city full of ghost stories and haunted houses, the Dumas Brothel in Butte has been called the worst of the the worst. Or the best of the best depending on your point of view. You've seen the Dumas on the Travel Channel's Ghosts of Devil's Perch and may have even heard a story of two firsthand. Many claim that there is something paranormal going on at the Dumas. Some say it is very active. We were able to visit the Dumas on a couple of occasions and here's what we found
The Main Floor
The Dumas gives off an almost European feeling upon entry. It is setup almost like a series of storefronts. In a way it was a series of storefronts. There is a bannister over the second story which harbors several of the higher class rooms as well as the Madam's parlour. Sunlight bursts through the atrium overhead on a sunny day but at night is as dark as the vibe it puts out.
To your left and right you will find exactly the kind of rooms you might expect to find in a brothel. Beds and nightstands. The occasional sink. Relative privacy. These are the rooms where the most "marketable" ladies would entertain their customers. But downstairs, things get a bit different.
The Cribs
During the brothel's run, the smaller, more crowded "cribs" were where the, well, "less" marketable prostitutes worked. The would generally work for less money and with the lesser-desired patrons. Some of these patrons were violent. Legend has it that there were at least two murders in the cribs. Some say many more. In any case, the rooms are dark and small and desperation still clings to the walls.
So what did we find?
Despite her legend we found absolutely nothing other than eerie feelings at the Dumas. No camera anomalies. Nothing unexplainable. Nothing supernatural. But the feeling both times was almost like something was watching you, and it was not a comfortable feeling. If nothing else, the Dumas Brothel provides a gritty look at life in Butte during her mining heyday and is definitely worth a tour if you find yourself in town.
Butte's Ghost Signs Part 3
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