Free legal help available for low-income Montanans
While any sort of legal issue can at best be described as a headache, sometimes issues arise where an expert such as a lawyer is needed. Compounding the fact is that for a lot of us is that legal help is expensive and for many it can seem as if getting a lawyer is as likely as hiring a genie. However, there is a program that provided no-cost legal assistance in civil cases to people generating income of 125% or less of the federal poverty level and with limited assets.
The Montana Legal Services Association is that program. If you qualify and are having issues with family law, landlord/tenant law, housing issues or even debt, financial or tax woes, MLSA can provide not only legal advice and representation but referrals to pro bono attorneys and resources such as self-help materials and educational literature. Other areas of law where help is available include employment law, domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking, identity theft and elder abuse. MLSA does not, however, handle personal injury, auto accident, business matters or any criminal cases. To find out if you and your case are eligible, call the MLSA HelpLine at (800) 666-6899 to discuss your matter with an intake specialist.
If you qualify for MLSA's help an appointment will most likely be necessary and they could request more information on your case. You may also be referred to a free attorney or a self-help clinic.