Klobucars to teach line dancing at Butte Elks
Get your dancing shoes out, or even your cowboy boots as the case may be. The Butte Elks #20 on Galena in Butte is excited to have Henry and Colleen Klobucar on hand along with their talented daughter, Melissa Burt, for a couple of dates in October where they will be instructing line dance classes at no charge. The dates are Friday, October 7 and again on the 21st.
The Klobucars and their infectious style of line dancing along with their incredibly friendly demeanor are no strangers to Butte, nor to teaching. Colleen and Henry have been teaching line dance for years and have even performed numerous times at our radio station remotes with their experienced troupe. You've seen their dance companies in parades and events in Southwest Montana for years and they've even been known to show up to wedding receptions where I have personally seen them have the entire floor moving together in perfect unison within 3 songs.
You don't need any experience whatsoever to have a great time and you'll also be getting exercise.
Line dancing welcomes all ages, but is particularly attractive to those of us who are a bit older and may be finding themselve less than willing to join a gym or a team to stay in shape. Line dancing is an attractive solution. There is a lot of movement and dancing but most say they are having too much fun to notice. The first lesson will be at 7pm, Friday, October 7 at the Butte Elks Lodge on Galena Street and no experience whatsoever is necessary.
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