Vendor Information for 2023 Uptown Butte Farmers Markets
One of the sure signs of summer is the appearance of the Farmers Market in Uptown Butte on Saturday mornings and since 1995 have brought local vendors and shoppers together. This year's Farmers Market season will begin on Saturday, May 13 and if you want to take part, here are a few things you'll need to do.
You will need a vendor's license if you want to take part. Their website describes the types of vendor allowed as follows:
ALLOWABLE SALES ITEMS: The market will cater to new, high-quality Montana homemade and homegrown products and craft items. The following list offers examples and may be expanded at the discretion of the Market Coordinator:
Produce – fresh or dried fruits, herbs, vegetables, nuts, berries, sprouts, or grains. Products must be clean and fresh, on tables, truck beds, or tailgates or, if place on the ground, must be in boxes or baskets.
Miscellaneous – flowers, bouquets, plants, shrubs, trees, unprocessed honey, baked goods, preserves, and handmade crafts. Baked goods and preserves must be labeled with the producer’s name, address, phone number, and date made. Items should also include a list of ingredients.
All food products sold at the Butte Farmers’ Market must conform to the Farmers’ Market Guidelines as provided by the Montana Food & Consumer Safety Program. You can view a copy of these guidelines by visiting —
UNALLOWABLE SALES ITEMS: No Kool-Aid, lemonade, or other drinks made from water at home. Fresh or frozen meats and poultry can only be sold if inspected and approved by meat inspectors. No garage, rummage or estate sale items allowed.
Any questions about the upcoming Farmers Markets should be directed to Mr. George Everett at geverett@montana.com