Butte Beat: Where the Whole Community Gets Its Lunch
BUTTE, MT - Community.

Obama famously campaigned for it. Our churches graciously deliver it. And NBC produced a decent sitcom about it.
But Butte embodies it.
And there's no place that captures our diverse and friendly community more than a little hole-in-the-wall joint that has proudly stood on the side of Harrison Avenue since 1971. Of course, I'm talking about Royse's.
I pulled up to the classic diner that strangely resembles Jack Rabbit Slims from Pulp Fiction on a hazy Tuesday afternoon, just at the peak of the lunch rush. Most people wait for the lines to die down, but where's the fun in that? I want to see the hustle and bustle. I want to witness the symphony every good eatery performs at noon on a weekday. They don't call it the "peak" hours for nothin'.
So there I was, silently passing through the side doors to patiently wait in line when I unexpectedly saw two friends sitting at a booth in the classic-looking dining hall. As I start my greeting, one of them looks at me straight in the eyes, devoid of any "hello" or "hey", and—presumably sensing that it was my first time there—lets out a low, "Double bun with cheese."
What did you just call me? Oh, wait, he's giving me a tip. Double bun with cheese. Now, when I usually strut into a new establishment for the first time, I like to assess my options with the vigor and tenacity of a Navy SEAL getting a briefing. I rarely go with the recommendations I'm warmly given, since, to be completely honest, people like weird things.
But hey, what the heck. I knew this gentleman to be an outstanding citizen, someone passionate and appreciative of the life he's worked hard to achieve, so he would have no reason to consume and promote something disgusting; I could probably trust him. Plus, even though I had no idea what to expect, I knew I liked buns and I like cheese, so what could go wrong?
So I ordered the fish sandwich. Needless to say, it was slippery goodness. Just kidding.
After I placed my order of a "double bun with cheese" with the very friendly employee working the register, I took my seat at one of the unassuming booths—excited to sit in a room that echoed the family photos of my parents living in their California wood-paneled home in the '70s.
That was when I began to experience a pang of regret and my mind jumpstarted like a '65 GTO: Why didn't I look at the menu first? I have no idea what I'm about to eat. What if he was messing with me and made me order something weird, like a fish sandwich?
Well, since I'm a weirdo, who goes to lunch by himself and doesn't look at a phone to distract himself and just stares at other people (like in the good ol' days, darnit!), I happened to overhear the orders of those approaching the register, one after another:
"One double bun with cheese and a large fry."
"One hamburger and 2 double buns with cheese."
"Six double buns with cheese, please. Yes, six."
"Greetings and salutations! My name is Jadakiss, and I would love to try one of your fish sandwiches, please!"
So, safe to say that I was placed in good hands from the get-go. And when that giant, appetizing, heart-stopping burger slapped its wet buns on my table, I knew it was only God Himself who could've created something so delicious, so perfectly crafted.
It makes sense now why I saw the large pool of Butte community members that I did.
Seriously, I saw, all in there at the same time: an elderly woman by herself; two site workers on a lunch break; three gentlemen donning professional business attire; a young, attractive couple, giggling to themselves; a group of teenagers presumably playing the age-old game of hooky; an upper-middle-aged couple staring at each other blissfully; a mother and a daughter bickering about something; and a man with a baby, just sorta sitting there. I was half-expecting the ghost of Evel Knievel to materialize, on a break from haunting Snake River Canyon.
So, next time you're in the mood for a burger, a shake, or—God forbid—a fish sandwich, go to Royse's at lunchtime and immerse yourself in the beauty of Butte's longstanding cherished community.
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